Domače storitve / rešitve na vašem ozemlju
Pall-Ex nenehno razvija široko paleto integriranih domačih storitev, ki se proaktivno odzivajo na izzive in priložnosti, s katerimi se srečujejo naše stranke.
Naše domače storitve / rešitve vključujejo:
Premium, varčne in časovno dobavljene
Stroškovno učinkovite stopnje za širok razpon velikosti in / ali vrste pošiljke
Konkurenčne cene za večpalete
Prilagojene logistične rešitve
Vodilne sektorske integrirane IT rešitve
Sledenje in sledenje v realnem času
Dokazilo o dostavi v živo (POD)
Avtomatizirano poročanje KPI v realnem času

The Pall-Ex brand currently has;
12 European territories
8 separate master licence holders
600 recruited sub-licensees
7,500 vehicles across our entire fleet
This established network and logistics franchise opportunity in Turkey gives our partners access to a range of benefits including;
A tried and trusted business model
Support from our experienced team
A fully-developed set of policies and procedures
Access to award-winning technology
Use of the internationally recognised Pall-Ex brand
Access to a large network across the globe
Based on previous experience, we look for existing transport or logistics operators with an infrastructure in place to set up a hub and recruit sub-licensees from across the country. If you believe you have the experience to help expand the Pall-Ex network and provide freight forwarder and palletised road transport in Turkey, and the globe, then please feel free to register your interest using the form provided. We can’t wait to add you to our pallet delivery network and provide award-winning service across Turkey.