Our International service includes standard consignment sizes and weights which are fully supported by integrated international IT solutions, real timeproof of delivery (POD) and bespoke KPI reporting.
Our Nexus system enables a licensee to move
a pallet of freight from Berlin to Barcelona as
easily as you would a domestic consignment under the Pall-Ex brand, with full visibility to the
customer at all times.
Your international delivery solution
Our established International service operates in over 30 different countries and our dedicated International team can help find the best overseas solution for you. Our service includes standard pallet sizes and weights, as well as integrated pan-European IT solutions and online proof of delivery.
Deliveries to the Republic of Ireland
The Republic of Ireland is still in the European Union. Therefore, all pallets bound for delivery within the Republic of Ireland will require additional paperwork and support to be delivered. Irish Freight will be subject to the same import and export rules, and customs clearance surcharges, as International freight.
Pall-Ex’s MyNexus system makes it easy to book an International consignment. Simply complete all relevant fields and our Customs Broker will review your information before accepting your freight and marking it as ‘customs cleared’.